how to lower electric bill*

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  • dinamaher
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2016
    • 2


    how to lower electric bill*

    the power is the most important thing in our life we can’t live without it. but, what about electric bill, “How to lower electric bill?” I ask myself this question more and more and I think there are many people ask themselves this question. Electric bill today is very expensive and it will be more and more expensive. So, the traditional answer for “how to reduce electricity bill?” is:
    1. You should turn off lights in room you aren’t there
    2. you should unplugging chargers and electronic devices that you aren’t use
    3. just turn off anything you aren’t use

    But, I do this and I found this don’t reduce electricity bill, now I found the most perfect answer, it is solar panels for house it is more efficient solution.
    solar panels for house
    solar panels for house really help me to reduce electricity bill, with the help of it I lowered my bill 79% in 1st month, it is really an efficient way to save your money and you can also earn money from this like me when you produce more energy than your home you can sell this excess power back to energy company. Don’t worry solar panel kits for home very easy to use there are some courses that will show you that like DIY Home Energy System course.
    What is solar power?
    It’s convert the sunlight into electric either indirectly using concentrated solar power or directly using photovoltaics.
    How do solar panels work?
    Photovoltaics convert light into an electric current using the photovoltaics effect. Concentrated solar power systems, use mirrors or lenses to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam.
    Advantages of solar panels
    What are advantages of solar panels?
    1. It’s environmentally friendly.
    2. It can produce energy.
    3. When you use this system in your home, it will be completely immune from power blackouts, outages and energy grid failures.
    4. It is used in some technology like heat water.
    5. With the help of it you can produce any amount of power that you need it in your home with the easy method.
    6. It is very easy to use and you don’t need technical background to build solar energy system in your home.

    How much does a solar panel cost?
    In fact, the individual components that you use it to built solar panel system is very cheap, but solar panel companies get cheap components from china, package them together and sell them 10 to 15 their price. With DIY Home Energy System you will be able to get components and package them together with an easy way and without technical background; you will do this step by step with the videos. You can get solar panel under 100$, which it’s price cheaper hundreds and hundreds dollars than solar panel in the stores.
    What is DIY Home Energy System?
    It is an easy course to follow that will show you how to build, set up and use your solar panels with step by step videos that allow you.
    1. Slash your energy bills by up to 75% or more just in 30 days.
    2. Take control of your home’s energy.
    3. Make your home 100% immune from future power outages or blackouts.

    to read DIY Home Energy System Review

    MOD Note: Please do not attach advertisement links to your post.
    Last edited by SunEagle; 10-17-2016, 12:34 PM. Reason: removed web link and added note.
  • inetdog
    Super Moderator
    • May 2012
    • 9909


    1. Books or "programs" that, for a small price, you teach you how to create your own PV system are pretty uniformly scams.
    2. The post is not clear on whether the system design uses battery storage or not, but
    3a. If battery storage is included the resulting cost of energy will between two and ten times what you would pay to your utility for the same energy.
    3b. If battery storage is not included it will do nothing to protect you from blackouts and outages.
    SunnyBoy 3000 US, 18 BP Solar 175B panels.


    • J.P.M.
      Solar Fanatic
      • Aug 2013
      • 14984

      Like many come-ons that imply/suggest you spend money, this looks like a con and a scam to me. The grammar could use a little work as well.


      • SunEagle
        Super Moderator
        • Oct 2012
        • 15148

        The post is something similar to one a couple of weeks ago.

        I believe I ended up banning that person because they kept putting up new posts with links to a site where you could purchase the "books".


        • Sunking
          Solar Fanatic
          • Feb 2010
          • 23301

          Please tell me why the mods allow SPAM. NUKE the SOB's and do not ask questions. No one will know or ask what happened.
          MSEE, PE


          • azdave
            • Oct 2014
            • 776

            Originally posted by Sunking
            Please tell me why the mods allow SPAM. NUKE the SOB's and do not ask questions. No one will know or ask what happened.
            I've been asking the same thing over and over. Why allow these obvious spammers to remain here?

            Do you think any of them actually go back and read the MOD note in red and decide to reform?

            Delete these clowns and ban their IP addresses instantly.
            Dave W. Gilbert AZ
            6.63kW grid-tie owner


            • SunEagle
              Super Moderator
              • Oct 2012
              • 15148

              I could just as easily ban the poster and delete the post without any prejudice. But I sometimes like to give a person the benefit of trying to provide some good information concerning solar.

              If you knew how many non solar posts don't make it past 9 AM each day you might understand how busy it can get.

              I also have to hold my delete function after seeing some of the crappy posts made by some of our regulars.

              All I can say is DON"T PISS ME OFF on a MONDAY!!!!

              Have a nice day now.


              • dinamaher
                Junior Member
                • Oct 2016
                • 2

                sorry, I mean help you can delete the post if you like


                • SunEagle
                  Super Moderator
                  • Oct 2012
                  • 15148

                  Originally posted by dinamaher
                  sorry, I mean help you can delete the post if you like
                  No please do not delete your post.

                  If you have some additional information to share with the forum then please provide it.

                  But please do not try to advertise or sell anything without first getting permission from our Admin.

